Lot/Monument Maintenance

Headstone Cleaning

Albany Rural Cemetery is pleased to offer headstone and monument cleaning for a fee.

It is important to note that permanent damage can be caused to old gravestones when harsh chemicals like bleach or damaging procedures like power washers are used to clean. We use only gentle, do-no-harm methods approved and used by The Cemetery Conservators United Standards group. Cleaning is intended to remove (as much as possible without damage to the monument) mold, mildew, algae, and lichen and environmental pollution, dirt, and staining from air pollutants.

These two photos show the before and after cleaning images of  one of the most memorable monuments in the Albany Rural Cemetery—The Angel at the Sepulcher.

Before Cleaning 0

Please email: gravestones@albanyruralcemetry.org or contact the Cemetery office at: 518.463.7017.

We will examine the stone and provide you with a cost for the cleaning. If you agree to the estimate, the office will send you a form which must be signed and returned before cleaning will commence.

Cleaning is weather dependent.  It can only be done when nighttime temperatures remain above 50 degrees, and not within 24 hours of forecasted rain.

After Cleaning 0

Lot Maintenance

The maintenance and repair of monuments in the Cemetery are the responsibility of the lot owner. If you need some sort of gravestone monument repair, call the office at 518.463.7017 and we can give you the names of people who do this kind of work and have worked in Albany Rural.

Stone Repair

Other than periodic grass cutting and trimming, any lot maintenance or landscaping of a lot is the responsibility of the lot owner. Some lot owners contract with outside landscaping services to provide specialize care for their burial lot. If you plan on doing this, call the office at 518.463.7017 to register that contractor that you have arranged to do this service.

For information on pricing for this service, download our summary sheet and pricing details.